Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Parts of speech (SOLO SEXTO)

Remember the parts of speech are the following: Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction and Interjection. Every word in English language can be classified in some of these categories; but sometimes a word can be different parts of speech in one sentence than in another. This is to say that for example, the same word can be a noun in one sentence and an adjective in another sentence.
Remember this when answering the next exercise

When you write your comment please put your complete name, group and your result on the exercise (Quiz Score: 100%, Game Points: 1000 (out of a possible 1000)).

Have a nice day! Good luck!


  1. Lopez Gonzalez Jorge Ivan Grupo 656

    Quiz Results for: Identify the Parts of Speech (Noreen Artar)

    Quiz Score: 80% (8 / 10) Remaining: 0 Correct: 8 Wrong: 2
    Game Points: 600 (out of a possible 1000)
    Total Time: 81 seconds.

  2. Pérez Velázquez David Uriel 656
    Quiz Results for: Identify the Parts of Speech
    Quiz Score: 70%(7 / 10) Correct: 7 Wrong: 3

  3. Morales Sánchez Brisa Teico 656
    Quiz Results for: Identify the Parts of Speech (Noreen Artar)

    Quiz Score: 60% (6 / 10) Remaining: 0 Correct: 6 Wrong: 4
    Game Points: 200 (out of a possible 1000)
    Total Time: 134 seconds.



A partir de ahora su comentario aparecerá inmediatamente después de que lo hagan, para que así estén seguros de si su comentario aparece o no. De cualquier forma yo estoy revisando los comentarios constantemente y si detecto mal uso de lenguaje en algún comentario (groserías, ofensas, doble sentido, etc), lo eliminaré inmediatamente y su tarea quedará invalidada.