Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Cognates (SOLO SEXTO)

In a technical sense, two words that have a common origin are cognates. Most often, cognates are words in two languages that have a common etymology and thus are similar or identical. For example, the English "kiosk" and the Spanish quiosco are cognates because they both come from the Turkish kosk.

When you don't know the meaning of a word in a text, first try to see if it is a cognate, then you wouldn't have to look for it in the dictionary. But be careful... not all the words that look alike are cognates, some are false cognates!! (Also called false friends!!)

With the next exercises on cognates you will discover you know words in English you have no idea you knew...
Exercise 1
Exercise 2

Remember to write your results, your name and group as following:

Exercise 1       93%
Exercise 2       2 bad marks  (mention only the bad marks)
Nadia Espinosa 618.

Good luck and remember cognates are very similar to the words in Spanish...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Possesive Pronouns

Recuerden que los pronombres posesivos son:

         I                                       my
      You                                    your
       He                                      his
      She                                     her
       It                                        its
     We                                      our
    They                                     their

Tomando esto en cuenta resuelvan los ejercicios que se encuentran en las siguientes páginas y anoten en su comentario el porcentaje que tuvieron al fnalizar los ejercicios. No olviden poner su nombre y grupo también.


Ejercicio 1: 70%
Ejercicio 2: 80%
Ejercicio 3: 98%
Ejercicio 4: 60%

Nadia Espinosa Gpo. 419

Ejercicio 1
Ejercicio 2
Ejercicio 3
Ejercicio 4

Complete the text (SOLO PARA SEXTO)

Hi! In this occasion you must complete a text with the given words based on the context. Take your time to think about the words that can go in each gap. Then check your answers and write down in a comment the results you had, along with your name and group.


Result 63%
Nadia Espinosa Group 658

To do the exercise click here. This will take you to the page of the exercise.

Good luck!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Indefinite Articles (A/AN)


Utilizo A como artículo indefinido antes de una palabra que comienza con un SONIDO CONSONANTE.
Utilizo AN como artículo indefinido antes de una palabra que comienza con un SONIDO VOCAL.


AN apple, AN honor
A banana, A human being

Tomando esto en cuenta resuelvan los ejercicios que se encuentran en las siguientes páginas y anoten en su comentario el porcentaje que tuvieron al fnalizar los ejercicios. Para los ejercicios 3 y 4 les recomiendo que den click donde dice"mostrar todas las preguntas" (arriba del lado derecho); conforme las vayan resolviendo y pongan "comprobar respuesta" se ira sumando su porcentaje. No olviden poner su nombre y grupo también.
Ejercicio 1: 100/100
Ejercicio 2: 90/100
Ejercicio 3: 100%
Ejercicio 4: 60%
Nadia Espinosa Gpo. 419

Ejercicio 1
Ejercicio 2
Ejercicio 3
Ejercicio 4

¡Mucha suerte!

Types of reading (SOLO PARA SEXTO)

First, let's remember the types of reading:

Scanning; This is the type of reading for a specific focus. You must know what you are looking for before start reading. Example: This is the technique you use when you're looking up a name in the phone book; you move your eye quickly over the page to find particular words or phrases that are relevant to the task you're doing.

Skimming; This is the type of reading for getting the gist of something. In very little time you can know the content of a large text. Example: This is the technique you use when you're going through a newspaper or magazine: you read quickly to get the main points, and skip over the detail.

Detailed reading; This is the type of reading for extracting information accurately. It is when you read every word, and work to learn from the text. Example: This is the technique you use when you read a science article for your homework.

For Pleasure; This is the type of reading for enterteining yourself, most of the times is when you read without a specific purpose but to have fun. Example: This is the technique you use when you read a novel before going to sleep.

Now please put in your comment two examples for each type of reading. You must describe everyday situations just like I did in the examples I gave you. If they are real situations (things you actually read), it's better. Don't forget to put your name and group.

Good luck!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Introducing people

Escojan una de las siguientes imágenes y describan a la persona incluyendo los siguientes datos que son obligatorios: Nombre, edad, profesión y gustos. Pueden agregar más detalles si quieren. La información que den puede ser verdadera o no. Recuerden poner su nombre completo, grupo y el número de la imagen que eligieron. Todos los comentarios deben ser en inglés.


This is Draco. He is 5 months old. He is my pet and my guardian dog. He likes to run inside the house and on the sofa. He also likes to sleep all day.

Imagen 1

Imagen 2
Imagen 3
Imagen 4
Imagen 5